Chat with a Parent
Grades of student(s): Preschool & Kindergarten
Favorite thing about Meadowbrook: For my children, age is but a number. Though they are younger, they have friends in every grade. There’s a sense of family amongst them. They show pride in knowing friends in upper classes and get excited when upper class students stop to say hi, lend a helping hand, or give a high five! This makes Meadowbrook truly special.
Grades of student(s): First Grade & Third Grade
Favorite thing about Meadowbrook: I love that the school's promise and mission comes to life every day. Everyday my children come home sharing what they learned in the classroom, and that is built in an environment where each teacher supports and nurtures them and they are surrounded by friends they love.
Grades of student(s): First Grade
Favorite thing about Meadowbrook:
Grades of student(s): First Grade​
Favorite thing about Meadowbrook:
Grades of student(s): Second Grade & Third Grade
Favorite thing about Meadowbrook:
Grades of student(s): Second Grade
Favorite thing about Meadowbrook: We love that Meadowbrook is a community, not just a school. We like how students of all ages interact, help one another, and develop relationships.
We also really enjoy all the family activities—
our favorites are Fall Fest, Trunk or Treat, and Math Night!