An Interwoven Approach
Research proves time and again that when meaningful content meets relevant context, it sticks. Whether your child is reimagining the debates of ancient Greece, expressing what they know about binary code in art, designing and prototyping an invention, or reenacting the Oregon Trail experience, learning comes to life at Meadowbrook-in vivid, lasting detail.
And at Meadowbrook, nothing your child learns exists in a vacuum. Quite the opposite-our passionate, collaborative team of teachers ensures each lesson connects seamlessly not only with what your child experiences in every other class, but also in what they are discovering through life beyond the classroom.
No other school can know your child like Meadowbrook...
For over 100 years, we've been purposefully scaled so that no one in the Meadowbrook family goes overlooked or unnoticed. Because of our intimate size, our nurturing culture enfolds your child and builds them up-meaning everyone, yes everyone, gets to know your child and works with them to define their gifts.
...and everyone counts.
At Meadowbrook, we celebrate the fact that our differences are poignant contributions. Our school family is one of the multilayered diversity-in talent and interest, culture, race, and ethnicity, and in learning styles. Here, your child partners closely with others to see their viewpoints, too. And because of our intimate size, we engage with conflict resolution in a uniquely thoughtful way when the need arises. By graduation, our students cultivate the ability to approach situations from a place of more holistic understanding and authentic empathy.
Early Childhood
We believe that the Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten programs are our stepping stones to a successful elementary experience. We strive to help each child develop positive attitudes towards school, learning, and self. We encourage and support each child's imagination and curiosity through the use of poetry journals, class books, show and tell, and creative play. Our older buddy/younger buddy programs are a great support system for the children, communicating caring and sharing across the grades. The primary emphasis of our Early Childhood Education and Kindergarten programs is to expose children to a nurturing yet academically structured environment that introduces students to school through a developmentally appropriate program.
We look forward to providing your child with a fun and nurturing classroom, which will stimulate their creativity and instill a love of learning. The Three-Year-Old curriculum is a child-centered, developmental program, which provides experiences promoting social, emotional, intellectual, and physical growth in a warm, loving, and safe environment.
NOTE: We do require Preschool students to be potty trained before beginning our program.
Year at a Glance:
Themes: All About Me, Family, Community Helpers, Safety, Five Senses, Good Health, Literature, and Holiday & Seasons
Language Arts: Introduction to letter recognition and sounds, Pre-writing activities, literature activities, and class books.
Math: Number recognition, number concepts, shapes, colors, graphing, patterning, sequencing, and comparing & contrasting
Art: 1 day a week
Physical Education: 2 days a week
Library: 1 day a week
Music: 1 day a week
Science: 1 day a week
Computers: 1 day a week
World Language: 1 day a week for Spanish
Traditions & Special Events:
Trip to Kohler Farm
The Gingerbread Breakfast
Teddy Bear Day
100th Day
Graduation Performance

100th Day of School Celebration

Pumpkin Picking in Preschool

Fire Safety & Truck Visit
for Early Education
Lower School
The Lower School is designed to provide sequential learning from first through third grades. There are many exciting hands-on activities to provide solid learning experiences for our students. Read more about individual grade experiences.

First grade is the year when a child begins to realize and explore their independence. They thrive on the opportunity to make choices, be a leader, and have responsibilities. We, at The Meadowbrook School, guide them in this period of development through a growth mindset. Our day is planned in order to provide optimal opportunities for the unfolding of the whole child, which includes their social, emotional, and academic skills and development using an interdisciplinary and inquiry-based program.
ELA: As we nurture a curiosity and a love for learning in our literacy program, the classroom library is filled with books that expand their knowledge related to the thematic units being taught across the curriculum. Reading quality literature to the class, guided reading groups, and independent reading are all elements that build confidence in becoming a strong reader. Using multiple curriculum resources, we continue to focus on pneumonic awareness in tandem with developing comprehension skills and strategies. Journaling, writing responses to literature and transcribing and memorizing poetry are used to assist in proficiency. As the students gain confidence in these skills, projects, and oral presentations in varied subject matter offer a platform for further mastery of new knowledge and confidence as an individual.
First grade uses the Fountas & Pinnell literacy program designed to support whole-group, small-group and independent learning opportunities including: interactive read-aloud; reading mini-lessons; writing mini-lessons; shared reading; phonics, spelling, and word study; guided reading; book clubs; and independent reading collections. Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ is rich with authentic texts, lessons or conferring cards, minilessons and professional learning tools for a systematic, transformative approach to literacy instruction.
We also use Fundations®, a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting. Key features include letter formation, phonological and phonemic awareness, sound mastery, phonics, word study, and advanced word study, irregular (trick) word instruction, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension strategies, written composition (spelling and handwriting).
In addition, we use the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum. Phonemic awareness is the ability to understand that spoken words are made up of individual sounds called phonemes, and it’s one of the best early predictors for reading success. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness is designed to provide daily instruction in eight phonological and phonemic awareness skills. Students practice blending, segmenting, and manipulating words, syllables, and phonemes each day. With daily lessons, students are able to build the necessary foundation to become automatic decoders of print. The 10- 15 minute lessons are fast-paced and completely oral.
Math: Using Houghton-Mifflin’s “Go Math” curriculum that encompasses mastering algebraic concepts through varied learning modalities, we guide the student through the following: number sense, addition, subtraction, telling time, measurement, data, and geometry. The concepts are taught using a variety of teaching methods and manipulative materials, technology programs, and real life applicable experiences to practice and demonstrate understanding. By implementing a systematic methodology, the program provides additional support for the student needing further reinforcement or greater challenges during the school year.
Social Studies: The foundation of our social studies curriculum starts with our students' understanding of individual development and identity. Students expand their understanding of themselves, their families, their community, and their world. First grade students study animals and research all different facts about them. We take a field trip to the Philadelphia Zoo to help us connect our research to real life experiences. Students explore cultural diversity and how to care for the people and environment they inhabit. We explore the progress of our world, holidays around the world, and how to care for our earth and the animals that are endangered of becoming instinct. Participating in a special traditional study of life during the medieval times with the sixth grade class, each student becomes a page or princess.
Traditions & Special Events:
Second Grade Friends
Intramurals with Second Grade
Reading to Preschool
Pages and Princesses of the Medieval Festival

Group Art Projects
Second Grade Apple Festival
with Advertising & Marketing
Third Grade Egg Drop Project
Upper School
Upper School at Meadowbrook is comprised of fourth, fifth and sixth grades. The emphasis is to continue a strong educational program that helps to accentuate learner's strengths, help build and support them when challenged, and develop strong leadership qualities. Classes and activities remain hands-on and keep learning alive and exciting. Read more about the grades in Upper School.

Colonial Action Week in
Fifth Grade

Fourth Grade Coding
Cuneiform Tablets in Sixth Grade for Mesopotamia Unit
The curriculum for 4th grade is rich in content and meaningful to students. The projects in each subject area are related across the curriculum so that students make connections within all areas of learning. By the time students leave the 4th grade, they will have developed the skills to assess mathematical problems using exploration, reasoning, drawing inferences, and employing a variety of mathematical methods. Students will understand the importance of heritage, community, and the diversity around them. Students will also develop strong research skills through a variety of engaging projects in the classroom and at home.
ELA: The 4th language arts program continues to develop and nurture a positive attitude towards reading while improving students’ reading skills. Our goal is for students to read for enjoyment and discovery as well as literary experience and to gain information. In addition, we want to expand and extend their understanding and use of the English language so that students will be able to speak and write with confidence and accuracy. Students will learn strategies to improve their comprehension through reading and discussing a variety of themed novels. A multitude of activities enables students to improve their ability to predict, evaluate, and infer, as well as to understand figurative language and character development. Through student-created activities, the children express their understanding of the different authors’ intent. The writing curriculum for 4th grade focuses on poetry, expository, persuasive, narrative, and imaginative writing. As the year progresses, each student moves from writing simple paragraphs to more complex creative stories. They learn to express thoughts clearly and precisely using appropriate vocabulary, metaphors, and similes. The students learn each stage of the writing process from brainstorming and development of rough drafts through editing the final copy of their stories. The students will also demonstrate their understanding of poetry by writing poems about their own life, including haikus, triplets, and rhymed riddles.
Fourth grade uses the Fountas & Pinnell literacy program designed to support whole-group, small-group and independent learning opportunities including: interactive read-aloud; reading mini-lessons; writing mini-lessons; shared reading; phonics, spelling, and word study; guided reading; book clubs; and independent reading collections. Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ is rich with authentic texts, lessons or conferring cards, minilessons and professional learning tools for a systematic, transformative approach to literacy instruction.
Math: The Meadowbrook School uses the GoMath series Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. Instruction in the 4th grade is based on the why and how of mathematics. Students will not only learn to grasp the key concepts, but they will also learn how words and symbols are used in the context of mathematics. A variety of problem-solving and reasoning exercises provide opportunities for students to explain their thinking, justify a solution, or identify a more efficient strategy for solving the problem. Children are encouraged to explore, reason logically, draw inferences, and apply the mathematical methods they learn to everyday life.
Social Studies: The focus of the social studies curriculum in the 4th grade is the United States geography and awareness of the culture and economy of the different regions of the country. Through the study of heritage and immigration, students will develop an understanding of their own multicultural heritage and how heritage shapes the communities they live in. Throughout the year, students discover and discuss the importance of current events in their everyday lives and learn the characteristics of good citizenship in the school and their communities.
Traditions & Special Events:
Kindergarten Buddies
Heritage Day
Travel Agency
Sixth Grade Medieval Festival